1. Lampropoulos V., Panou A., Panagoulopoulou Ch.
Erosion studies and protection propositions for chapel “Panagia Marmariotisa” (former roman mausoleum) Chalandri, city of Athens.
Archaeologia Journal, 54, p. 63 – 68, (Μarch 1995).
2. Lampropoulos V.N., Papastamatiou K.
Methods of restoration of sendimentary materials on stone archaeological monuments in city of Εdessa – Macedonia.
Archaeologia Journal, 62, p. 94 – 98, (Μay 1997).
3. Coutsouris Α., Lampropoulos Β., Αstrapellou Μ., Stavrakakis Μ.
The preparations on painting works of art and their behavior in preservation conditions.
Archaeologia Journal, 71, p. 76 – 81, (June 1999).
4. Lampropoulos V., Vomvogianni Ch.
The temple of Hephestus in the ancient agora of Athens: types of erosion and protection propositions.
Archaeologia Journal, 73, p. 83 – 90, (December 1999).
5. Lampropoulos V., Frantzikinaki Α.
Removing of deposits due to the oxidation of bronze connections in marble sculptures and monuments.
Archaeologia Journal, 74, p. 97 – 101, (July 2000).
6. Lampropoulos V., Katou M., Sapountzakis A.
The Temple of Artemis in Vravrona. erosion forms and protection proposals.
Archaeologia Journal, 80, p. 59 – 66, (September 2001).
7. Lampropoulos V., Nowatska N., Karatasios I.
Title in English: On the Nature and erosion Morphology of Excavated Roman Glass from the East Mediterranean Basin.
Title in Polish: O istocie oraz morfologii korozyjnej rzymskich szkiel wykopaliskowych wydobytych na wschodnich rubiezach basenu Morza Srodziemnego.
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Restorers’ Bulletin), Vol. 13 No 1 -2 (48 – 49), September 2002, p. 20 – 25, 101 – 103, Poland (in Polish and English).
8. Karampotsos A., Lampropoulos V.
The ancient theatre of Megalopolis. erosion forms and protection proposals.
Archaeologia Journal, 86, p. 52 – 58, (March 2003).
9. Lampropoulos V., Panagiaris G., Karampotsos A., Velitzelos E. & Velitzelos D.
The preservation conditions of petrified materials from Greek Fossilized Forests.
Journal Documenta Naturae, VI.6, p. 1 – 21, October 2003, Munchen, Germany.
10. Lampropoulos V., Panagiaris G., Papachristodoulou I., Klapadaki G., Velitzelos E., Velitzelos D.
Conservation of fossilized Olive leaves from Santorini Island – Greece.
Journal Documenta Naturae, VI.8, p. 1 – 27, February 2004, Munchen, Germany.
11. Lampropoulos V., Leakou A., Karampotsos A.
Study and comparisons between ploughing and other forms of erosion of Greek Archaeological Glass.
Jounal Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 4, No 1, June 2004, Rhodes, Greece.
12. Lampropoulos V., Tsafou M., Karampotsos A.
Title in English: A Greek Tower of Naxos Island. Environment, erosion Patterns and Propositions for Conservation.
Title in Polish: Grecka wieza na wyspie Naksos. Srodowisko, Rodzaje Zmiszczem i Mozuwe sposoby konserwacii.
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Restorers’ Bulletin), Vol. 15 No 1 -2 (56 – 57), September 2004, p. 44 – 66, 161 – 168, Poland (in Polish and English).
13. Lampropoulos V., Nowatska N.
Title in English: Byzantine painting works of art and environmental conditions in Greece.
Title in Polish: Zbiory obiektow sztuki bizantynskiej. A warunki atmosferyczne na terenie Grecji.
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Restorers’ Bulletin), Vol. 15 No 1 -2 (56 – 57), September 2004, p. 88 – 93, Poland.
14. Nowatska N., Lampropoulos V.
Title in English: Icon of Saint Nicolas.
Title in Polish: Icona Sw. Micolaja.
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Restorers’ Bulletin), Vol.15 No 3-4 (58-59), December 2004,p.80-86, Poland.
15. Lampropoulos V., Tzanoulinos P
Title in English: Removing, transportation, storage, conservation, transportation and relocation of archaeological findings from excavations in constructions of subway (Amalias avenue – Syntagma square – Athens – Greece).
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Re-storers’ Bulletin), Vol. 18, No 1 – 4 (68 – 71) 2007, Poland.
16. Lampropoulos V., Kontonikoli M., Karampotsos A.
Title in English: Study of erosion patterns and conservation procedures of Roman glass perfume vessels of 1st A.C. century from Rhodes island – Greece.
Journal Biuletyn Informacyjny Konserwatorow Dziel Sztuki (Conservator – Re-storers’ Bulletin), Vol. 18, No 3 – 4 (70 – 71) 2007, Poland.
17. Inglesi A., Lampropoulos V., Velitzelos E.
The preservation conditions of Greek show caves – preventive conservation.
Journal Documenta Naturae, Special issue 54, p. 1 – 10, February 2008, Mun-chen, Germany.
18. Kanta A., Polenta – Apostolaki A., Lampropoulos V.
The conservation of the tub from room 86 and the problems of conservation of the pottery from Monastiraki – Creta.
Journal Quaderni della Ricerca Scientifica, Ed. Monastiraki I, June 2008, Universita degli Studi suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli, Italia.
19. Lampropoulos V., Kontonikoli M., Georgopoulou P., Tsoroni A., Tzanoulinos P.
Conservation and restorartion of the Academy of Athens – Greece.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 10, p. 1 – 13, December 2009, Munchen, Germany.
20. Lampropoulos V., Hasioti Z., Tsoroni A.
The bronze statue of Evangelos Averof – Tossitsas in Metsovo – Greece. Cor-rrosion patterns and conservation procedures.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 10, p. 15 – 33, December 2009, Munchen, Germany.
21. Lampropoulos V., Kontonikoli M., Tsoroni A., Karampotsos A.
erosion patterns and conservation procedures or techniques of Roman glass vessels of 1st A.C. century from Rhodes island – Greece.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 11, p. 1 – 28, June 2010, Munchen, Ger-many.
22. Lampropoulos V., Dimakarakou E., Konsulidi G., Tsoroni A.
Control of relative humidity inside a showcase with the use of saturated salt so-lutions.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 11, p. 29 – 45, June 2010, Munchen, Ger-many.
23. Lampropoulos V., Koutromanou D., Papageorgiou D., Tsoroni A., Tza-noulinos P.
erosion forms and conservation treatments of the Athena (Minerva) statue of the Athens Academy – Greece.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 12, p. 1 – 14, Octomber 2010, Munchen, Germany.
24. Lampropoulos V., Karampotsos A., Tsoroni A., Tzanoulinos P.
Conservation and restoration of the archaeological site of Kotzia square, Ath-ens – Greece.
Journal Documenta Historiae, issue 12, p. 15 – 36, October 2010, Munchen, Germany.
1. Charalampous D., Theodorou G., Nobilakis E., Lampropoulos V., Panagyaris G., Gioni G., Koufossotiri H., Ventikou M., Papageorgiou P.
A novel method for removing geological precipitates from animal fossil.
PROGEO’98, Sofia 28/3/1998 Bulgary.
2. Lampropoulos V., Panagiaris G., Karampotsos A., Velitzelos E.
A comparative study of degradation patterns of petrified material from Greek fossilized forests.
4th Symposium on Archaeometry, Athens 28 – 31 May 2003.
British Archaeological Reports (accepted).
3. Karatasios I., Theoulakis P., Lampropoulos V., Kilikoglou V., Chryssopoulos D.
Characterization of construction materials of Dafni wall mosaics in Athens, Greece.
4th Symposium on Archaeometry, Athens 28 – 31 May 2003.
British Archaeological Reports (accepted).
4. Panagiaris G., Lampropoulos V., Kotsifakos I., Poulopoulos P., Pavlakis P., Dermitzakis M.
Study of three consolidants used in sub – fossilized bones that are going to be exposed in situ (in outdoor conditions).
4th Symposium on Archaeometry, Athens 28 – 31 May 2003.
British Archaeological Reports (accepted).
5. Charalambous D., Karampotsos A., Lampropoulos V.
The bust of Lenin by Memos Makris, forms of erosion and conservation work.
4th Symposium on Archaeometry, Athens 28 – 31 May 2003.
British Archaeological Reports (accepted).
6. Kotsifakos I. P., Brass N., Lampropoulos V..
Preventive conservation for exhibition, display and storage conditions of Classical string instruments: the case of violins.
5th Symposium of the Hellenic Society of Archaeometry, Athens 8 – 10 October 2008.