Environment of Monuments, Museums and Archaeological Sites
The five first chapters of the book contain :
- Physicochemical data, relative to the presence of humidity in the environment, its effects on the materials of monuments and works of art and the methods to control and to avoid it.
- Physicochemical data, relative to the presence of radiation in the environment, its effects on the materials of monuments and works of art and the methods to control and to avoid this;
- Physicochemical data, relative to heat and temperature variations in the environment, their effects on the materials of monuments and works of art and the methods to control and to avoid them.
- Physicochemical data relative to the presence of vibrations in the environment, their effects on the materials of monuments and works of art and the methods to control and to avoid them.
- Physicochemical data, relative to the presence of pollution on the environment, its effects on the material of monuments and works of art and the methods to control and to avoid this.
The five last chapters present data on human, marine and soil environment relative to monuments and works of art, the methods and instruments to measure environmental conditions and the normal conditions of exhibition and restoration of monuments and works of art.
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